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  • Portal Technology: Remedi is Based on state-of-the-art Portal technologies and hence provides a completely flexible user interface. It can be customized to your specific needs very similar to other Internet portals.
  • Secure Anywhere/Anytime: Our web-based interface allows access to your practice information from any computer in the world with just a browser. The communications are completely secure and encrypted using IBM's security capabilities.
  • Patient or Employee Portals: The core platform can be easily leveraged to provide internal portals for employees as well as external portals to your patients. The practice ofcourse is in total control of the information exposed to the patients.
  • Workflow-driven: The application can model the specific workflow in your practice. This ensures minimal change to your working habits and culture when Remedi is implemented.
  • Open Standards: The solution is based on open industry standards and is hence interoperable with any other standards based system. Supports HL7 for integration with labs, pharmacies, and hospitals. It can also integrate with other competing products.
  • Compliance: The system is compliant to HIPAA privacy standards and all our Insurance Carrier communications are carried out using ANSI X12 transactions.

Components Workstations Server
Hardware Intel Pentium-III 800 MHz or higher
128 Mb RAM, 1 Gb Hard Disk
Intel Pentium-IV 1.2 GHz or higher
2 Gb RAM, 20 Gb Hard Disk
Operating System Windows XP/ME/2000/NT/98/95 Windows 2000 Professional or Server
Software Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

Processor: Without limitation, any size (desktop, laptop, server, etc.), any number of CPU’s, and any OEM that is currently or subsequently supported by Ecognize. Any hardware procured by customers for the purpose of installing the system must meet the hardware specifications provided by Ecognize.

Operating System: Without limitation, any operating system (i.e., Solaris, Linux, Microsoft family (e.g., NT)) or other environment (i.e., Internet based (e.g., Java)) that is currently or subsequently supported by Ecognize.