News & Press Releases |
| October 19, 2005 |
Ecognize To Launch Employee and Patient Health Portal.
| July 25, 2005 |
Ecognize Announces a Next-Generation Practice Management Software.
| March 20, 2005 |
Ecognize Launches Sales Partner Program.
| February 15, 2005 |
Remedi deployed for a 40-user practice in Ohio.
| September 1, 2004 |
Off-shore Development Center Established in Chennai , India.
| January 20, 2004 |
Ecognize invests in TekAthlon Systems India Pvt. Limited.
| July 10, 2003 |
Ecognize Announces Strategic Partnership with Software Incubator in Healthcare Services.
Events |
| November 8, 2005 |
PAHCOM: Central Jersey Chapter
Edison, New Jersey
Professional Association of Health Care Office Management
Full Day Seminar/Workshop
| November 6-9, 2005 |
Workshop: Business Intelligence for Improving Healthcare and Life Sciences
Rio De Jenario, Brazil
In collaboration with IBM Corporation, USA and other research organizations
HIS 2005: Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Paradigm shifts and associated capabilities ranging from information
based medicine, and clinical intelligence, to proteomics and situational
awareness, are top of the mind in healthcare and life science organizations
worldwide. This workshop will explore recent innovations and challenges in
this area.
| October 19, 2005 |
PAHCOM: Cuyahoga Plus & Akron Chapters
Cleveland, Ohio
Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM)
All Day Seminar: Refresher Course for Health Care Managers
| August 22-26, 2005 |
Workshop: Cognizant Role-based Workplace using SOA and Web Services
Seoul, Korea
In collaboration with IBM Corporation, USA
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices
While using WSRP (Web Services Remote Portlets) to surface the appropriate service
to a workplace is obvious, dynamically assembling the right portlets together based
on the role and business process/activity to compose the user experience for the
relevant services introduces new challenges. This workshop will focus on current
implementations for service composition as well as futures along the lines of a
cognizant workplace.